Faith Begins Course

The Christian Faith, explored, discussed and studied

The ‘Faith Begins’ Course at St John’s Cathedral is an introduction to Christianity for adults who wish to be baptised and/or confirmed. Baptism and Confirmation are the ways that you can make a formal, public commitment to follow Jesus Christ, and become a member of St John’s Cathedral and the daughter churches, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (HKSKH), and the Anglican Church worldwide.

The course explores the Christian faith in a relaxed atmosphere with a talk by one of the clergy, followed by discussion in small groups in either English or Chinese.

‘Faith Begins’ is rooted in the Anglican tradition which values the bible, tradition, and reason, and interprets them in the light of a modern understanding about life and the world we live in.

Together we explore the nature of God, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and what’s distinctive about the Anglican Church. We examine the essentials of Christian teaching, and explore some of the questions of faith–which are often the big questions of life:

  • What happens when we die?
  • Why does God allow evil and suffering?
  • How can I live my life better?
  • What gives meaning to our life?

Christianity gives insights into God and life’s questions. In particular, how the life of Jesus of Nazareth might help us to live our lives now. We don’t give easy answers, but we do promise honest exploring.

For details, please download the Faith Begins Leaflet.