
2020年12月25日- Reflecting on the first Christmas
'We can overcome this pandemic not only in terms of stopping the spread of the virus, we can come out stronger as a human race.'


2020年11月26日- Because he lives!
'We will have hope and faith and love to face our situation and any challenges that lie ahead.'


2020年10月29日- 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'
'If we are willing to look after the interest of others, something unexpected will happen...'


2020年10月15日- Opportunity to rediscover ourselves
'In the middle of nowhere, they found themselves... We’re in a similar position to the ancient Israelites in the desert.'


2020年10月1日- 明月與上主的愛


2020年9月24日- Care for the least among us
'While we are very much frustrated by the threat and impact of COVID-19, there are still much that we can do for one another.'


2020年9月17日- Forgiveness heals
"We can either be prisoners of our past or we can be active participants in the shaping of our future."


2020年9月10日- Friendship – a light that shines in the darkness
"Whatever the troubles of the world around us, friendship is an expression of the human spirit at its best, giving out and receiving in love."


2020年9月3日- We are in the boat together
"Compassion and wisdom are divine qualities that equip us to coexist in this beautiful and fragile boat."


2020年8月27日- The world as a sacrament
"May we be attuned to the stirrings of God in nature and in our fellow human beings, and meet Jesus in them, and by them and through them."


2020年8月20日- Life is changed, not taken away!
"when we are faced with tragedy and that ultimate challenge of death, may our eyes always look beyond the horizon and may our hearts always be full of hope."


2020年8月13日- The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
"Jesus is always by our side, willingly to help us and listen to our prayers."


2020年8月6日- Our belief in resurrection
"If Christians in Germany, China and Japan could keep their faith and hope alive through terrible times, we too should not give in to doubt or despair."


2020年7月30日- Stay close to God for comfort and strength
"... they wouldn’t allow their situation to weaken their relationship with God. Instead, they devoted more time to be with God and allowed his peace and power to calm their fears."


2020年7月24日- 'Walk the talk'
"This belief should not just stay in the head, we need to do a lot of work to put this hope in action."


2020年7月9日- Living with uncertainty
"In uncertain times the natural human instinct is to seek certainty, to look for a rock to cling to, a refuge that will provide safety. For Christians, the rock is Jesus Christ..."


2020年6月25日- Do not be afraid
"We are instructed to be courageous in living out our faith, even in difficult times."


2020年6月11日- Life is a Gift
"Life can be so unpredictable and fragile, therefore, we should never take it for granted. Indeed, every day is a gift from God."


2020年5月27日- Moving forward in faith
"We cannot depend on ourselves – we are too weak and changeable – and so we turn to God, seeking God’s wisdom, God’s way for us, and God’s love and embrace."


2020年5月25日- Understanding and practising love
"The peace of our world and the very hope of our lives... come when we put our faith in the Lord and make the conscious and honest decision to love."


2020年5月20日- Ubi Caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
"God is there, in everyone trying one’s very best to alleviate the sufferings of others."


2020年5月18日- 主同在的應許


2020年5月13日- Be Thankful!
"This act of gratitude will give us strength and grace to persevere. Counting blessing is actually a life habit that we need to cultivate."


2020年5月11日- What have we gained from this time apart?
"...in communion, in relationship with others; joy is to be shared, not kept to oneself."


2020年5月6日- Jesus the Good Shepherd
"In these challenging times, it's good to remember our need for God and our need to trust in God. We can trust in Jesus the Good Shepherd who is constant in His love and protection for us."


2020年5月4日- Time for us to rebuild and renew our relationships
"This is the time that we need our family. This is also the time that our family needs us."


2020年4月29日- Discovering hope in desperate times
"In the midst of all the disruption and suffering caused by the coronavirus, new signs of hope are visible around the world..."


2020年4月27日- Put "Hope" into action
"As we face the challenges ahead in our city and our world, we need to learn to move forward in hope... serving the well-being of all people."


2020年4月22日- We are living between the times
"... but we need not let our fears overcome us, for we are part of a people, the Church, who believes that God is with us."


2020年4月20日- 復活主與我們同在


2020年4月15日- 信靠復活主


2020年4月13日- What does Easter mean to you?
"Sufferings do happen. Our fear and anxiety are real, and they can be overwhelming. Yet, his presence and love will carry us through."


2020年4月8日- The Cross and the Coronavirus
"Both the cross & the crisis invite us to make a decision: to continue our destructive ways, or to build up what is good."


2020年4月5日- Palm Sunday message
"... as we walk the path of this pandemic, we too can notice around us evidence, not just of selfishness, but of compassion and self sacrifice."


